12 NOVEMBER 1904, page 2

Two Of The Most Striking Speeches In The Debate In

the French Chamber on the Anglo-French entente on Tuesday were those of M. Delafosse and M. Etienne. Both these gentlemen were supposed to be Anglophobes, the former because of......

The Italian Elections Have Been A Great Success For The

cause of order. It is useless to give the precise figures until the second ballots, which destroy all the dramatic effect of a Continental election, have been taken ; but it......

The Effects Of The War Are Being Severely Felt By

the poorer classes in Russia. Factory after factory has been shut clown,, and so great is the disturbance of the railway system that vans and trucks containing in all 1,050,000......

It Is Said That The Baltic Fleet Has Divided Into

three, of which one part will go through the Suez Canal, one part vi5, the Cape, and one part round Cape Horn. The last statement is most improbable, as the arrangements for......

President Roosevelt Has Achieved A Victory As Striking As...

recorded in American annals. As his opponent, Judge Parker, in his courteous telegram of congratulation acknow- ledges, the American people as a whole have " emphatically......

We Dislike And Distrust Prophetic Politics, And...

Mr. Roosevelt in his short letter thanking the people for the honour they have done him should have pledged. himself not again to offer himself for re-election. He has only been......

The Debate Was Continued On Thursday, M. De Pressense And

M. Jaures, the Socialist leaders, making speeches of great significance, and showing that their anxiety is as great as our own that the Agreement with France should be con-......

Law Affiliated To The German University, But Managed By...

Professors. The German students saw, however, in this con- cession a threat to German ascendency in the Tyrol, attacked the Italian students, and produced a kind of free fight......

Passion Is Rising High In The French Chamber Between The

Nationalists and Republicans. On Friday week, during the resumed debate on General Andre's conduct in allowing espionage in the Army, and consulting the Masonic lodges as to the......