12 OCTOBER 1951, page 15

&il—the Letters In The Spectator Of The Last Few Weeks

on the subject of " disappearing clergy " have made interesting reading. Your corre- spondent, Mr. K. C. Stuart, in your issue of September 14th, says some very true things......

Monsieur Barrault

SIR,—It must be a disquieting experience to any but the most self-assured playgoer to find his impressions of a performance diametrically the opposite of those of an eminent......

Disappearing Clergy

sut.—if Mr. Southwold is correct about the mentality of "ordinary people", as he probably is, then this shows just what has been achieved by modern education, and, in......

Third Programme Listeners

SIR,—I should like to take exception to Mr. Bruce Belfrage'a article in the Spectator of October 5th. I feel that economic considerations , should not be paramount in assessing......

Sift,—mr. Southwold's Letter Leaves One Gasping. Does He...

as his letter clearly implies, that the clergy are not to be paid at all ? And should " take no thought for the morrow "—even of their children ? Are they, then, to join the......

'letters To The Editor

Is Winston an Asset? Sts.,—In regard to Mr. Wilson Harris's article under the above title, I can only say that like many thousands of others I should not vote at the coming......