12 OCTOBER 1951, page 4

The Disappearance Of Tte Guardian, Which I Foreshadowed A...

weeks ago, is a real loss to the religious life of the country. Founded a hundred and five years ago to strengthen the Catholic party in the Chufch of England at a time when......

The National Association Of Head Teachers—a Gentleman,...

Larter, whom I mentioned recently as collecting money for an anonymous school moving from somewhere un- specified to somewhere unidentified, proclaimed himself......

A Circular Issued Last Week By A Fvell-known Firm Of

brokers embodied, as an election appendix, an excursion into the higher mathematics (higher, that is, than my mathematics). It appears that the probable relation of seats in the......

" Apparently Janus's Contribution To The War Matched—and...

of the collective Allied forces." This seems to me very well put.*......

Egypt's Defiance

N OTHING could be - more indefensible, legally. and morally, than the arbitrary and unilateral denuncia- tion of the Anglo-Egyptian Treaty of 1936 by Nahas Pasha. His speech was......

A Spectator's Notebook

K NOWING no language in which to characterise fitly the following extract, I leave it uncharacterised. ‘ " One afternoon I was sitting in my room at Buckingham Palace. - There......

A Week Or Two Ago Will Arnold-forster, As He Was

known to all his friends, sent me a noticq,of the exhibition of his pictures now showing at the Colnaghi galleries. A few days later his son (with whom readers of the Spectator......

" When The Albanians Mined Some Of Dur Ships In

the Corfu Channel the Tories cried for stronger measures, but we took the case to the United Nations and we got a judgement in our favour."—Mr. 'Attlee at Witham, October 8th.......

Having Got Involved Once More In The Old " Thumbs

up," " Thumbs down," controversy, let me invoke authority in favour of accuracy. The term comes, of course, from the. Roman arena. " Thumbs down," I have always understood,......

The Comparatively Few Persons Who Enjoyed The Opportunity...

General de Lame de Tassigny during his short visit to London last week had an exhilarating experience. Contact with his vital personality made it easy to understand the effect......