13 APRIL 1901, page 16

The Food We Eat.

• [TO THE EDITOR OF VIE "SPECTATOR."] Stu, — I have been extremely interested in your review in the Spectator of March 24th of Dr. Hutchison's work on "Food and the Principles......

- . April 66, You May Care To Recall Some

words of C. H. Pearson, "National - Life'and Character," pp. 104-5' (second edition, 1894) "Nowhere in the world has the struggle for existen ce been so fierce as in Great......

Town Versus Country.

(To THE EDITOR OF TUB "SPECTATOR.") Sig,—For some years I hunted with a pack of foot , beagles, and as is frequently the case, the hunt was joined in by the uninvited outsider,......

Lead-glazing In The Potteries.

Fro TUE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") Sig,—In. your review of Mr. Baring-Gould's novel, "The Frobishers" (Spectator, March 30th), you say that it deals largely with the formidable......

The King's Declaration.

[TO TIIE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sig,—I observe in your editorial note on p.495 of your israe of April 6th the phrase, "Toleration is part of the essential spirit of English......