13 DECEMBER 1902, page 16

[to Tar Editor Of The "spectator:1

SIE,—Your interesting article on " Fog " in the Spectator of December 66, which states that hill-fogs are dry and sea-fogs are wet, is not borne out by the old Exmoor adage : "A......

Church And State In France.

[To TRH EDITOR Of THE " SPIATAT01."] SIR,—A propos of the acute conflict between Church and State now raging in France, it may be of interest to your readers to hear the general......


[To TUE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,-1 have just been reading the article on "Fog" in the Spectator of December 6th with much interest, for on Sunday, November 30th, there......


THE CONVERT. HERE in the dark I lie alone : And how I love the silence! You, I think, would love it, had you known, As I, the howling of that crew That bade me sca.pe the......


RECOLLECTIONS OF A DIPLOMATIST.* To the stay-at-home Englishman the Diplomatic Service is something of a mystery. Not one in a thousand could name offhand the seven gloriously......