13 DECEMBER 1902, page 3

In The Course Of Wednesday's Debate An Important...

Clause 7 was proposed by the Bishop of Man- chester and carried against the Government. This provides that all damage due to wear and tear in voluntary schools should be made......

Thursday's Debate Was Chiefly Noticeable For The Close...

cross-voting on the new clause moved by Lord Lytton empowering managers of all public elementary schools, at the request of parents, to permit religious instruction to be given......

Rapid Progress Was Made During The Week With The Water

Bill, the report stage being reached on Wednesday. Mr. Long has given way on the question of the representation of the London County Council, which now stands at fourteen mem-......

A Correspondent Of The Times, Who Writes With Gravity And

moderation, declares that there exists in France a secret University which grants degrees in occult science, such as "licentiate in hermetic science," or "doctor in Cabala." The......

The Debate In The Commons On The Militia And Yeomanry

Bill, adjourned on November 10th, was resumed on Tuesday. Aftera Motion to adjourn the House had been defeated, Mr. Brodrick proceeded to explain the scope of the BilL It......

Dr. Sven (or, As Our Historians Used To Write It,

Sweyn) Hedin, the great Swedish explorer, gave a most interesting address on Monday to the Royal Geographical Society. After mention- ing some Chinese manuscripts of the fourth......

The Committee Of Inquiry Into Subsidies To Shipping Have...

on the whole with a certain decision against that system. They admit that foreign steamship companies have occasionally benefited by subsidies, especially as regards high......

The Additional Grant Of £600,000 (to Be Raised By Loan)

for the Uganda Railway was discussed in the Commons on Tuesday evening. Lord Cranborne, in moving the Resolution, dealt with the special difficulties which had beset the under-......

Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.

New Consols (21) were on Friday 93.......