13 JULY 1839, page 11

The Nomination Of Candidates For Ipswich Took Place...

show of hands was in Mr. Gibson's favour, and a poll was demanded for Sir Thomas Cochrane. Mr. Gibson has exhibited spirit and talent in time course of his canvass ; and not......

An Interesting Discussion Took Place In The House Of Commons

las night, on Mr. Tuosisis ATTwoon's motion for a Select Committee to take into consideration the prayer of the " National Petition" fa Universal Suffrage, Annual Parliaments,......

The Uniform Penny Post.

House of Commons, Friday 12th July. Sir ROBERT PEEL and Mr. SPRING RICE present their compliments to the editor of the Spectator, and beg that lie will suggest to the public, as......

The Postage Debate Of Last Night Confirms A Prevalent...

:hat Ministers would have grieved little had Mr. SPRING Ram's resolthion been negatived,instead ofaffirmed by a large majority. No foe t.2 the plan could have dwelt more......

Money Market.

STOrK Emma,/ AFITRNOON. Tine only eimumstaiwe of import aitee that has occurred during the week has been the sale by the Bank Broker on Monday of 60,000/. Excliepter Bills. The......