13 JULY 1974, page 5

Market Matters

Sir: .Mr Towler's indignation about the financial support that the European Movement has received in the past, from both wealthy and modest contributors, is really laughable.......

Homosexuality And The Church

Sir: It seems to me that your correspondence on homosexuality is in danger of becoming confused by odium theologicurn and confusion of terms. First of all, what do we mean by......


Sir: What an absurd fellow Mr Edwards is! He talks of "Good Roman Catholic Countries like France, Spain, Italy and Ireland where abortion, VD, and wickedness generally,......

World Cup Terronsts

Sir: I am surprised at your harsh judgement about the West German attempt to keep the World Cup free from disturbance by Arab terrorists ('Middle East Imperatives,' June 22).......

Novel Complaint

Sir: Peter Ackroyd's review (June 29) of Stanley Middleton's Holiday has achieved the improbable: I shall never read The Spectator again until it changes or promotes its......


'Sir: Benny Green's anecdote about how the man acquired his long black beard, namely by swallowing a horse, all but the tail, brings to mind a remedy for asthma recently heard......