12 JUNE 1947, page 17

Country Life One Of The Ministers Has Been Bragging About

the great number of fruit-tree stocks imported during the past year. It is, of course, much to the good that our orchards should have the opportunity of increase. We grow too......

Sir,—may I Be Allowed To Support The Renewed Demand For

a revision of the National Anthem, which changing circumstances make more pertinent and urgent now than when the natter was debated some years ago apropos of the offer by Lady......

A Revised National Anthem

SIR, —No wonder Mr. St. John Ervine always puts such gusto into the singing of those lines about frustrating politics and confounding knavish tricks, since he himself, and......

Norfolk Magpies A Number Of Accounts Reached Me During A

recent visit to Gloucester- shire of the increase in the number of magpies and a corresponding increase in the boldness of their thievery. A similar experience is now recorded......

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"cast Not A Clout . . . "

Those who obeyed the old, old maxim: "Cast not a clout till May be out," must have suffered horribly, whether "May " means the month or, as some hold, the flower. The blossom......

Dew Ponds Men Of Science Are Beginning To Do For

dew ponds what they have done, or think they have done, for water-divining. They argue that dew could only at the best supply not more than .0002, or some such absurd figure, to......

In My Garden The Gardener Has Plenty Of Evidence For

estimating the effects of a hard winter on insect life. He has had to be very busy—with Denis dust, if wise—on his gooseberries and small fruit. He has probably seen great......

Snt,—the Article Pays De Mission?, Written By Canon Roger...

which you published on May 30th, is of considerable interest to all who are studying current French history. It is, no doubt, an admirable summary of the book written by two......

The Bible : A New Translation

Sm,—In A Spectator's Notebook of My 16th, Janus asked whether the proposal made by the Bishop of Durham in the recent Convocation of York bore " any relation to the work already......

Sir,—i Am Distressed To Think That Father Carey Elwes Could

have read my article, Pays de Mission?, as meaning that I shared the outrageous view that in France " everyone who is trying to work for better social conditions must of......