14 AUGUST 1909, page 16

The Lord Advocate And Nationalisation.

[To Tint Enrros or Tule "SrsorAroic."] SIR,—The Lord Advocate has announced the "principle" that "the land of the country—the land as distinct from the buildings erected on it......

Slave-grown Cocoa.

[To THE EDITOR OF TDB SPECTATOR."] Srn,—Thanks to Collier's Weekly, the fact that your corre- spondent Mr. Burtt discovered Portuguese cocoa to be slave-grown (see Spectator,......

Mr. Lloyd George's Anti-free-trade Railway Policy.

[To THE EDITOR or THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, — It will be within the recollection of your readers that after the railway strike troubles some two years ago Mr. Lloyd George......

The Real Jack Cade.

[To THE EDITOII 01 THE " SPECTATOR.."] SIR,—Why must the memory of that much-slandered man, Jack Cade, be still insulted by these unholy comparisons with present-day politicians......

The By-elections.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR." _I SrD,—I entirely agree with Mr. W. M. Cooper (Spectator, July 31st) about the by-elections. We had an election in Cleveland not long ago.......

The True Conservatism.

[To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR," . } SIR,—Is not the present an excellent opportunity for the Conservative Party to return to Conservatism ? Let the "yellow" Newspaper Trusts......