14 DECEMBER 1945, page 12

Stx,—i Am Grateful To The Dean Of Wells For His

letter on the Apostles' Creed, which clears up the possible misconstruction of a small part of my earlier letter. That letter was already long enough, and I was only concerned......

Youth And The Churches

SIR, —As an undergraduate of s81, may I endorse all that " Student " says about the inadequacy of the religious teaching of the Church today to satisfy the demands—and......

Sir, —may I Be Allowed Space For A Word Of Sympathy

and counsel to the writer of the letter signed " Student " in your issue of December 7th —of sympathy because he is obviously unhappy, .groping for a synthesis which at present......

Letters To The Editor

UNITED NATIONS H.Q. SIR, —There are probably others besides myself who would be glad of enlightenment on the following points in connection with the choice of a site for the......