14 DECEMBER 1945, page 2

Crime And The Police

It is difficult, in the absence of reliable statistics, to estimate significance of the " crime wave " which has assumed su prominence in the Press in recent weeks. One is......

From Army To Industry

The employment return issued by the Ministry of Labour t) Tuesday is in many ways encouraging. What is requisite in th change-over from war-industry to peace-industry is to......

America's Germany

The contrast between French and United States views in respect to Germany is made clear by the American declaration of policy which has been handed to the British, Russian and......

The Dockers' Decision

Today, a national delegate conference of union representatives will decide whether to accept or reject the Evershed Committee's recom- mendations on wages in the dock industry.......

The Palestine Commission

By a suggestive coincidence Mr. Kevin announced the composition of the Anglo-American Commission on Palestine on the same day- Tuesday—on which Lord Samuel made a valuable,......