14 JANUARY 1882, page 14

Age And Youth.

[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] SIE,—In your thoughtful paper upon " Old Age," in the Spectator of December 31st, you, to my thinking, rightly, appre- ciate the joys rather......

Marshal Von Moltke.

[To THE EDITOR OW THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I take the liberty to point out to you a mistake in your most interesting article about " Marshal von Moltke," in your edition of the......

Liberalism And The Imprisonment Of Ritualists.

ITo THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—I was very glad to see the letter of " South Warwick- shire " to you a few weeks ago. No one gauged the feeling of the country before......

Census Of Religious Profession. [to The Editor Of The "

SPECTATOR.") SIR,--Will you allow me less than a dozen lines, to contest your dictum that " if a man is willing to be put down Church,' he will vote Church ?' " Assuming that by......

A Correction.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—May I correct an inaccuracy in your paper of December 31st You speak of Dr. Lamson as son of "a clergyman of the Church of England......

? Me Bradlaugh Difficulty.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—If I were now in Parliament, I would vote against any measure that could be considered a Bradlaugh Relief Bill. It is useless to discuss......

[to Tee Editor Of The ‘` Spectatoe.1 Sir,—in Your Article

on Mr. C. Miall's " Results of the Reli- gious Census," you intimate that the figures cannot be taken as evidence of the opinion of the people upon the question of Dis-......

To Correspondents.

* a * M. D. (Malvern.)—We should be glad to insert " M. D.'s" letter, if be chooses to send us his name and address privately,. not for publication. We can insert no letter......