14 JANUARY 1882, page 2

The Marquis Of Ripon Has Telegraphed His Intention To Con-

tribute £1,000 to the expenses for the contestin the North Biding, and Mr. Rowlandson's candidature is now being pushed by a hearty canvas. Opposed to him is Mr. Guy Dawnay, of......

Details Begin To Arrive Of The Persecution Of The Jews

in Poland and Russia, and show conclusively that in widely separated places the mobs plunder the Jews, beat them, and occasionally violate their women ; that the local......

Mr. Gladstone Made A Speech To His Tenantry At Hawarden

on Thursday on the state of agriculture, and the various specifics- for relieving it. He had hardly any occasion to warn them against Protection,—a kind of heresy which the......

Mr. Anderson, The Radical M.p. For Glasgow, Is Also Much

exercised in his mind concerning the proposal for the closure of the debate by the vote of a majority, and protested against it to his constituents on Tuesday. Mr. Anderson did......

Lord Elcho Has Published A Most Characteristic Letter. He...

that it is the easiest thing in the world to buy estates in Britain. In his own county (Haddington) there are eighty-five estates, and within sixty years fifty of these have......

The Lord Mayor Of London's Association For The Defence Of

Property in Ireland has judged wisely in deciding at last, as it did yesterday week, to put its funds at the disposal of the Irish Association for the same purpose. Though it......

Sir Wilfrid Lawson, Speaking On Wednesday At Aspatria, In...

Cumberland, suggested a very sensational remedy for Obstruction, which was that Irish Members should all be slaughtered at the port of debarcation. " That, however, is a large......

It Is Stated That The French Government Has Taken The

first step towards a radical railway reform. It has asked the Boards of the different railways to report whether they are willing to reduce the charge for passengers 50 per......

Colonel Stanley And Major-general Fielden Addressed Their...

on Tuesday, though of the sayings of the latter speaker, who was probably the more amusing of the two, we have unfortunately received no account. Colonel Stanley played the part......