14 JANUARY 1905, page 12

(to The Editor Od The " Spectator:1

Sin,—You are quite right in saying in reply to Orr Rope, Lethbridge (Spectator, January 7th) that my letter had nothing whatever to do with the Cobden Club, but I am sorry that......

[to The Editor Of The "spectator...] Sir,—the New York...

Post, I observe, is engaged in instituting an informal Referendum on the question of Tariff Revision. Its questions are being put, not, indeed, to the American public generally,......

Sia,—sir Roper Lethbridge May Be Entitled To His Little...

over Mr. Harold Cox in last week's Spectator on the point raised in Mr. Brodrick's speech at Shere. But, in common with other Tariff Reformers, he forgets that the Indian......

[to The Editor Op The " Spectator.") Gilnin's List Of

prices ruling in London, as com- pared with those in New York, in the Spectator of Decem- ber 31st, 1904, does not get us much "forrarder." It may be interesting, but is not......