14 JANUARY 1905, page 13

Ste, — It May Be Presumptuous For A Working Man To Attempt

a criticism of an article in the Spectator. I do so with the greatest diffidence, hoping the while that the pen of a more ready writer will be wielded to some purpose in......

Sir,—may I Be Permitted To Suggest, With Great Respect To

Lord Colchester, that his letter in the Spectator of January 7th, although it asserts that the story of "the hungry forties" is irrelevant to the Fiscal question of the present......

Sm.,—in Your Article, " The Fall Of Port Arthur," In

the Spectator of January 7th, you say : " The place, remember, was not defended by Chinese or by natives of India, but by Russians"; and further down : " There is no State in......

[to The Editor Op The " Spectator.") Gilnin's List Of

prices ruling in London, as com- pared with those in New York, in the Spectator of Decem- ber 31st, 1904, does not get us much "forrarder." It may be interesting, but is not......