14 JUNE 1890, page 1

News Of The Week.

T HE Conservative meeting at the Carlton Club on Thursday was a very large and not a very harmonious one. Lord Salisbury brought forward the proposal of the Government to take......

The Times States, As If The Matter Were One Of

routine, that Lord Wolseley has resigned his great post as Adjutant- General of the Army. That is a serious change, and we can only hope that it has not been produced by any......

M. Ribot, On Tuesday, Delivered In The Chamber A Speech

of extraordinary bitterness upon the conversion of the Egyptian Debt. France, he said, was favourable in principle to that conversion ; but behind Egypt stood England, and......

On Thursday Evening Mr. Healy Made An Unblushing Effort To

compel the First Lord of the Treasury to explain the resolve of the Government on a subject on which they had not, as Mr. Smith told him, taken any resolve,—namely, the course......

Notice To Advertisers.

With the " SPZOTATOR" of Saturday, June 28th, wit/ be issued, gratis, a SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, the outside pages of which will be devoted to Advertisements. To secure......

46 . 10 The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return...


Lord Rosebery Opened On Monday The Edinburgh Public...

owes so much to the munificent gift of Mr. Carnegie, and stated in his opening speech that the Library Committee had spent £12,000 in books, with which they had bought 58,000......

Mr. Monro, The Commissioner Of Police, Has Resigned,...

differences with the Home Office; and his resigna- tion has been accepted. The causes are not accurately known as we write, but it is believed that Mr. Monro objected to the......