14 JUNE 1890, page 2

As To The State Of Business, Mr. Balfour Pointed Out

the comparative uselessness of the Closure in reference to the enormous number of amendments possible in discussions in Committee. Each application of the Closure takes at least......

Mr. Balfour Made A Good Speech On Wednesday At A

dinner given to him and the Conservative candidates of England and Wales at St. James's Hall by the National Union of Conserva- tive and Constitutional Associations. Mr. Balfour......

Mr. Dillon On Monday Moved The Adjournment Of The House,

in order to complain of the action of the Government and the police in Tipperary, and a furious debate arose, the Irish, wildly excited, interrupting speakers opposed to them,......

Lord Hartington Addressed The Members Of The Women's...

Association on Wednesday, at St. George's Hall, when the Duke of Westminster took the chair. Lord Hartington said that he had never supported the proposal to give women votes,......

We Should Say On The Whole Of This Debate, Which

ought to have lasted half-an-hour, but interrupted business for hours, that the Government had a right in its discretion to prohibit the meeting; that Mr. Dillon read into the......

Lord Rosebery Opened On Monday The Edinburgh Public...

owes so much to the munificent gift of Mr. Carnegie, and stated in his opening speech that the Library Committee had spent £12,000 in books, with which they had bought 58,000......

Mr. John Morley Made On Wednesday, At A House Dinner

of the National Liberal Club, one of the speeches by which he is honourably distinguished from Sir William Harcourt. Not that it was at all fair to the Government, but that it......