14 OCTOBER 1955, page 9

Everyone Who Knew Her Must Have Heard With Deep Regret

of the death of Lady Wrench. the wife of Sir Evelyn Wrench, Chairman of the Spectator. She had wide and varied interests, and was herself for many years a director of the......

A Friend Tells Me That, Dropping Into A West End

public house for a sandwich the other evening, he got more than bread and cheese for his money. He found the pub full of large men jingling coppers in their hands and talking......

Molotov's Public Appearance On The Penitent's Stool Marks...

in a decline which has been obvious for some time. His omission from the delegation which settled things in Peking last year, and from the Belgrade outing, were omens. A......

Political Commentary

BY HENRY FAIRLIE T HREE Labour MPs went to the Conservative Party Conference at Bournemouth—but not, apparently, to the same conference. One of them, Mr. Tom Driberg, writing in......

For All The Other Excitements Abroad, I Cannot Understand...

our newspapers have paid so little attention to last week's Presidential elections in Brazil, in which the central figure Campaigned under the revealing nickname of Little......

A Spectator's Notebook

MR. GAITSKELL said at Margate on Sunday that Mr. Butler has been guilty of 'the biggest act of political deceit since Stanley Baldwin sealed his lips in 1935.' Mr. Gaitskell is......