14 OCTOBER 1972, page 29

Sir: Allow Me To Con G Ratulate You On Your Une Q Uivocal...

article on the le g al position of the U g andan Asians (October 7) more especially the final para g raph. What is so depressin g for someone of my g eneration is to find, if......

Soviet Jews

From Mrs Ruth Lewis Sir: The forthcoming visit of Soviet artists as part of a festival taking place in England during the month of November, is likely to cause consternation......

From Mrs B. Hamilton Sir: I Would Like To Protest

against the forthcoming visit of the Soviet artists who are to take part in the Soviet Festival of Music in view of the fact of the persecution of the Jews in the Soviet Union.......

Conrad's World

Sir: In his interesting article about Marie Lloyd (October 7) Benny Green found it necessary to refer to Conrad's world as so totally devoid of humour.' It so happens that two......

Poached Egg

Sir: It would be intemperate to expect you to print me again, but I Should like Mr Edward Norman (September 16), who is, clearly, one of our younger theologians, to know that to......

Medical Potential

From Dr G. P. Walsh Sir: It is a great disappointment that, as John Rowan Wilson claims (September 30), the old diseases of malaria and cholera and others, having escaped the......

Ethiopian Incident

Sir: In Sandy Gall's article (September 30) — 'Congo and Uganda' — he refers to an incident at the Ethiopian court when Burton watched the Emperor shoot one of his pages. He......

Forgotten Right

Sir: On every conceivable occasion the national press, TV and radio networks publish news and views of the myriad of revolutionary anarchist, Communist, extreme Left-wing and......

Back To Tibet

Sir: We learn (Spectator, September 20) that the Dalai Lama has announced that he intends returning to Tibet with all his 60,000 followers. He feels that if the Tibetans are......

Adam Von Trott

Sir: You have published an article 'Adam von Trott, Oxford, America and the anti-Nazis' (October 7) which is a misrepresentation of a man who gave his life in a prolonged......

Mother Teresa

Sir: In your article ' Anti-antiporn ' you observe . ' that -Lord Longford and his committee Were on occasions 'genuinely ridiculous.' That may be, but you might do well to......