15 AUGUST 1914, page 24

The Underlying Principles Of Modern Legislation. By W....

(John Murray. 6s. net.)—This is a revised and enlarged edition of Professor Jethro Brown's well-known text-book. In the new preface, dated from the University of Adelaide, where......

Outlines Of Ancient History. By Harold Mattingly....

108. 6d. net)—This is the first of three volumes in which the Syndics of the Cambridge University Press propose to summarize the history of the world. Mr. Mattingly begins with......

The Khasi& By Lient-col. P. R. T. Gurdon. (macmillan And

Co. 10s. net.)—This exhaustive study of the inhabitants of the Khasi Hills, on the borders of British India, was the first of the monographs on native races issued by the......

The Girl On The Green. By Mark Allerton. (methuen And

Co. 6s.)—Mr. Allerton ha s _very kindly supplied us, with what will serve as a ready-made criticism of his work as a writer. "Affable," says Frank on p. 59, "is just how I......

A Girl's Marriage. By Agnes Gordon Lennox. (john Lane....

beginning of this story, with the account of the life of the heroine Fay Beaumont and her family of cheerful young brothers, is very pretty reading, but it is difficult to......


Modern Models. By V. E. Johnson. (c. Arthur Pearson. Ls.

6d. net.)—Every normally minded boy will delight in the possession of this little book, which teaches him how to make a model aeroplane that will really fly, a model submarine,......

Leaves From Three Ancient Qureins. Edited By Rev. A. Mingana

and Agnes Smith Lewis. (Cambridge University Press. 10s. 6d. net.)When 'Othnittn prepared his famous recension of the Qur'an, he ordered all previous copies of the Mohammedan......


CONCERNING- A VOW.• Miss RHODA BROUGHTON loses none of her skill in expressing shades of character among well-bred people. She has played her game so long that by this time......

Some Books Of The Week.

[Under tide heading ire colic. such Books of the teach as have net bus reserved for review in other forms.] Elementary Household Chemistry. By J. F. Snell. (Macmillan and Co.......

Readable Novels. —the Agitator In Disguise. By Mrs....

Clanton, and Ouseley. 6s.)— Mrs. Sawkins's story of admiture and mystery in the Ireland. of 1880 is simple and obvious, but has certain scenes deserving of praise.—Shallow Soil.......