15 AUGUST 1998, page 27

No Relation Sir: I Read The Article By Frank Johnson

(Shared opinion, 25 July) suggesting a con- nection between Peter Mandelson, Jon Mendelsohn and Felix Mendelssohn. As a member of the illustrious Mendelssohn family — I am a......

Larger Than Life

Sir: The BBC documentary Maria Callas: A Big Destiny was not full of inaccuracies, as Michael Scott suggested in his article, `Callas: fact and fiction' (Arts, 8 August). The......

The People's Prince Sir: The Prince Of Wales's Cogent...

('Why I'm modern, but not modernist', 8 August) demonstrates once more that he has bravely accepted the traditional role of kings: the champion of the People against the......

The Bluebells Of Scotland

Sir: While your correspondent Andrew Parker Bowles (Letters, 1 August) is cor- rect when pointing out the botanical differ- ence between bluebells and harebells observed when......

Lowering The Tone

Sir: As a regular advertiser in your excel- lent publication I was somewhat surprised that you should have chosen the headline 'Macdonald's Takeaway' (Leading article, 8 August)......

A Spy Round Every Corner

Sir: I derive some amusement from the depiction, in the latest documents released by the Public Record Office, of my old Express colleague Sefton Delmer as a mas- ter spy. The......