15 FEBRUARY 1913, page 18

Kingston Vale.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—I do not write for the mere sake of thanking you for the kind things you have said about our effort to save Kingston Yale for London,......

Tlfs. Editor. 07 The "spectator. " ] Sir, —i Feel Sure...

must be many residents in London who will wish to follow your suggestion that a contribution, however small, to the fund for saving Kingston Vale from the builder might be......

An Unfortunate Metaphor.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR:1 SIR, — At the National Liberal Club Mr. Lloyd George compared the House of Lords to a dog on the chain, and he expressed the-hope--that the......

The Romance Of The Rothschilds.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR:1 Sra,—My attention having been drawn to a review which appeared recently in your journal of a book on the Rothschild family, I was astonished......

The Old Ways.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—Surely you omitted the last stanza of Mr. A. C. Benson's pretty verses in your last issue. The last stanza, without which the rest is......

Why Not An Edinburgh Zoo P T.to Tug Editor Of

THE " SPECTATOR...1 SIR,—You are so consistently generous in devoting space to appeals for help to save for thecountry "beauty spots" which may otherwise be destroyed by the......

A Widow's Mite In - Verse. [to The Editor Of The

"SPECTATOR:1 SIR, — On my rounds last week I called on an old widew-of eighty-four years, who is expert in the almost lost :; -t of pillow lace. She showed me the following......

"suggestion" In The Animal World.

[To THE EDITOR OP THY "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I took our two small -dogs for a walk in the fields last Sunday, and during our tramp the little fox-terrier got a thorn into his foot,......