15 MARCH 1834, page 8

Ebe Catintrit.

The Dissenters of Manchester held a public meeting on Wednesday and Thursday last week, at the Exchange Rooms in that town, far the purpose of discussing the grievances under......


Lord Grey completed his seventieth year on Thursday last. The Duke of Devonshire and suite have arrived at Malta onaheir return to England; which is now expected early in April.......


About a hundred of the Perthshire lairds and their tenants as- sembled at Perth, on the 28th February, to form themselves into an agricultural association. The Earl,of Kinnoul......

The Residence Of Earl Beauchamp Was Entered On Tuesday...

by some thieves, when a writing-desk, containing 250/. in notes, forty sovereigns, two miniatures, a quantity of jewellery, two wills, and a quantity of papers, were stolen. On......


Mr. O'Connell's collectors have made up their account of parishes that have already paid the Rent, and the proceeds amount to 12,F410/. This is WO/. above last year's amount. It......