15 MAY 1982, page 18

Sir: James Fenton's Article In The 1 May Issue Of

the Spectator expresses so clearly my own feelings, and I suspect echoes the thoughts of a good many more than 10 per cent of the population, if people were honest. It is quite......

Colonel Corbett

Sir: Euan Cameron, in his 'Argentinian childhood' (1 May), remarks that his teachers directed his literary thoughts to Kipling, P.C. Wren and Jim Fawcett — o f man-eating......

Sir: You May Well Be Right To Describe Ferdi- Nand

Mount as 'England's best political columnist' (1 May) but in his piece (8 May) on the dangers of total war in the South Atlantic he drew on the wrong edition of Clausewitz's On......

Sober Sundays

Sir: I have only just read `Drinking -u p time' in your issue of 24 April, so I hope I may be allowed a delayed comment on M i r , Rogers's statement that 'all of Wales wi ll......

Sir: Your Correspondent Christopher Hit- Chens Asks,...

can say `of certain voices on the British Left, in- cluding James Fenton ... whose taste and judgment are always thoughtful and found- ed on decency' (8 May). Since Mr Hitchens......