15 SEPTEMBER 1939, page 15

It Was Then That I Had A Bright Idea. I

telephoned to another German friend of mine, a man of older years, who has lived for long in London. I told him the story and said that I would send the student round to see......

I Do Not Agree With This Contention. I Have Known

many Germans for many years, and have found them kind, courageous and true. Yet I admit that the German character is contradictory and uncertain, and that it contains a greater......

Was My Indignation Fully Justified? Supposing That I Had...

living for many years in Berlin and had been asked, when war was imminent, to befriend some stranded English undergraduate, would I also have refused? I do not think so. When I......

These Obvious, Although To My Mind Necessary, Remarks...

a shower of correspondence. The majority of the letters which I have received are on the whole favourable to my point of view. There were a few listeners, however, who wrote to......

People And Things

By HAROLD NICOLSON S PEAKING on the wireless the other night, I ventured the remark that we were fighting to defend certain human values against a system the avowed aim of which......

Within The Last Few Days I Have Witnessed A Painful

instance of the average German's lack of moral courage and loyalty. A German student, whom I had met casually when lecturing at a northern University, found himself stranded in......

"consider," My Correspondent Had Written, "how They...

other." I admit that I have frequently been struck by the lack of generosity shown by one German towards another. We must remember that there is no word in the English language......