15 SEPTEMBER 1939, page 20

Anti-nazi Refugees

SIR,—For some time now the words "Enemy Alien" printed on the Registration Certificate of Refugees from Germany have stigmatised them. As one of these, I am compelled to utter a......

The Leisure Of Evacuees

Sut,—The problem of employing the leisure of the evacuated children and parents is one which must, at present, be a source of worry to those responsible. The National Book......

Moscow, 1939

Sm,—May I be permitted to answer a few points raised by Sir Evelyn Wrench in his article on Moscow? Having spent three weeks of August in Moscow and other Soviet cities, I may......

Military Objectives

Sm.—Although A.R.P., black-outs and gas-masks have accus- tomed people to accept the deliberate bombing of civilians as inevitable, there is still hope that efforts to prevent......