16 JULY 1904, page 1

Brooks Parker, Chief Justice Of New York State, Was Then

nomi- nated as candidate of the entire party by a two-thirds majority, and the news' was telegraphed to him while Hiring at his country home. Instead of accepting, however, Mr.......

Unauthenticated Rumours Are Plentiful Enough, As Always...

great movement is in train. The main outlines of the scheme are clear, now that all the three Japanese armies have emerged from the mountainous country and are operating on the......

It Is Very Difficult To Believe That So Direct An

attack on the semi-divine personality of the Sovereign can have been written. by a Russian official of high rank still in Russia. If it has been, and if it expresses even in a......

The German Emperor Has Again Been Telegraphing. He Is...

Colonel-in-Chief of the 85th Russian Infantry, and as that regiment has been ordered to the front., be has tele- graphed to the commanding officer declaring that he is proud of......

The Publication Of The Article Headed "the Tsar" In The

Quarterly for July is a most serious incident. The Quarterly is the gravest, and one of the ablest, of all English periodicals ; it is supposed to represent, and often does......

