16 JULY 1904, page 2

In The House Of Commons On Wednesday The Licensing Bill,

by the aid of the "guillotine," passed through Committee. In one important particular, though, we fear, only in one, the Bill has been improved. By a Government amendment......

Brooks Parker, Chief Justice Of New York State, Was Then

nomi- nated as candidate of the entire party by a two-thirds majority, and the news' was telegraphed to him while Hiring at his country home. Instead of accepting, however, Mr.......

The Correspondence Dealing With The Resignation Of Sir...

was published on Monday. The question of a conces- sion of land to the East Africa Syndicate is not in issue, Sir Charles having made no objection to this grant. Apparently Lord......

The Effect Of Mr. Parker's Action Upon His Party Throughout

the Union has been electric. They were aware in a vague way that Justice Parker was a man of character, but they had not expected him to display such decision and energy, and......

The Daily Mail During The Week Has Been Doing Excellent

service in making the wider British public understand that German dislike of England is not a whim or a fancy, or the mere outcome of bad manners, but the result of a carefully......

One Interesting Point Of Etiquette Is Raised In The Discus-

sion. Lord Lansdowne consulted certain Protectorate officers who happened to be in London at the time, and Sir Charles Eliot complains bitterly that such action was disloyal to......

During The Week The Visit Of A Powerful German Squadron

—eight battleships and seven cruisers—to Plymouth has caused a considerable amount of perturbation in the public mind, or, at any rate, in the public Press. For ourselves, we......

On Tuesday A Treaty Between. Britain And Germany Was Signed

in London providing for the settlement by arbitration of differences which may arise of a legal nature, or relating to the interpretation of existing Treaties between the two......