16 JUNE 1888, page 23

South African Butterflies. By Roland Trimen, Assisted By...

Bowker, Colonel. (Triibner and Co.)—South Africa, though inferior to Brazil and Tropical Asia in the number and splendour of its forms, has amongst its 1,000 species of......

Current Literature.

Literature. By Herman Grimm. (Sampson Low.)—The volume published with this rather unfortunate title consists of several essays by Professor Grimm, the son of a famous father,......

.princetoniana : Charles And A. A. Hodge. By The Rev.

C. A. Sal- mond, M.A. (Oliphant, Anderson, and Ferrier.)—A biography, possessing much interest, of Charles Hodge and Archibald Alexander Hodge, whose names are inseparably......

Ei/don Grange. By Andrew Clark, M.a. Illustrated By...

(Hamilton, Adams, and Co.)—The story of Eildon dvange has for its plot a long and weary struggle between St. Ringan and the fairies for a certain beautiful and fertile farm, a......

A King's Ransom. By The Author Of "the Martyrs Of

the Corn- hill." (Pawsey and Hayes, Ipswich ; Simpkin and Marshall, London.)—This is a spirited and well-written story of the days of the Commonwealth. The King is, of course,......

A Flight To Florida (f. V. White And Co.) Is

the work of a writer who, for same unknown reason, chooses to veil his identity under the pseudonym " Peregrinator." It is described on the title-page as "a new novel,......

Philip Alwyne, By J. Knox Sherrard (sonnenschein And...

a rather milk-and-watery story by a writer who has apparently devoted some time to the study of the works of Miss Yonge and Mrs. Ewing, but is not fortunate enough to possess......

British Discomycetes. By W. Phillips, F.l.s. "the Inter-

national Scientific Series." (Kegan Paul, Trench, and Co.)— Though the restriction of the volume to British species must of necessity exclude many interesting fungi, yet the......

Mr. B. L. Farjeon Has Done Much Better Work Than

is to be found in his new three-volume novel, Miser Farebrother (Ward and Downey). The uncritical novel-devourer will probably read it with interest, because it has a plot which......