16 JUNE 1888, page 3

The Nationalist Member Who Avowed His Hope That He Might

delay the Bill for giving a salary to Colonel King-Harman till it had at least mulcted him of 2100, will have the satisfaction of thinking that he has succeeded in depriving him......

A Ministerial Crisis Of Importance Is Reported From...

Stambouloff, the Premier, is believed to be the only man who can govern the Principality in defiance of Russia, and he has resigned. The cause is the sentence on Major Popoff,......

Lord Rosebery Made An Amusing Speech At Inverness On...

but it is not a speech which increases our estimate of him as a statesman. After remarks on the Land Question, he gave vent to some lively chaff on "Liberal Unionism," which he......

Why The Conferring Of The Cambridge Honorary Degrees Last...

should have been described as a Unionist demonstra- tion, we do not know. The majority of the degrees conferred were conferred on scientific or on non-political grounds, and......

The University Of Bologna Celebrated Its Eighth Century...

And as Glasgow University is the only one in this country which was founded directly and exclusively on the model of Bologna, Professor Jebb composed an ode in Pindaric Greek in......

Lord Rosebery Was Also Very Eloquent On The Iniquity Of

sending to prison any man who, like Mr. Dillon, has not only charmed audiences in England and Scotland with his eloquence, but charmed them by the earnest belief which he......

The Australasian Conference On Chinese Immigration Has...

compromise which we pointed out a few weeks since as the one combining justice with expediency. As the Government of Pekin is willing to forbid the emigration of its subjects to......

Some Of The Cambridge Jubilee Orator's (dr. Sandys) Latin...

in introducing the eminent men whom he presented for degrees went far towards justifying Lord Salis- bury's happy remark at the subsequent banquet, that, in his opinion, the......

Bank Rate, 2-} Per Cent.

New Consols (21-) were on Friday 99 to 991xd.......