16 NOVEMBER 1951, page 5

N . Two Parliaments Are Alike, And This., One Certainly Has

its singularity. A Government caught in the toils of a' critical situation for which it has no responsibility ; a Government which is feeling its way tentatively to its own......

First Steps With Steel

The Labour Opposition has not made a good start. The affectation of indignation at the Government's intentions about steel, when it has been well known to everyone from the......

New Houses And Old

Mr. Harold Macmillan will be wise to give as much attention to the repair and reconditioning of old houses as to the con- struction of new. That counsel, given by the Sanitary......

It Is Clear That Princess Elizabeth And Her Husband Have

achieved no ordinary success in Canada, a fact which augurs well for the similar mission they are shortly to undertake in the King's stead in Australia and New Zealand. That is......