16 NOVEMBER 1951, page 36

Sir,—it Is Pleasant To Observe That The Two Headmasters Who

have written in opposition to the age-limit agree so largely with the objectives set out in my article. What surprises me is that Mr. Stirland, who is so opposed to burdening......

Sweet William

SIR,—I have seen it stated in York—on I know not what authority— that Sweet William derives its name from St. William of York, to whose Mots the Minster owes so much. Not that......

Opera International

Sip,—Your music critic, Mr. Colin Mason, complains that "Covent Garden continues fo offer Italian opera with guest singers from anywhere but Italy. These presumably are being......


SIR,—I was born in 1855, and well remember, at the age of three, being presented to a very old lady, Mrs. Robinia Dundas, well known in our neighbomhood (we lived in Westmorland......

Churchyard Yews

have only now seen your issue of September 14th, or I would have written sooner to ask, "Has Homer nodded ? "—or, in other words, has Mr. Massingham slipped up badly in stating......

Sir,—with Reference To The Possible Origins Of The Name...

William, Miss E. S. Rohde, in her learned and delightful volume The Scented SIR,—With reference to the possible origins of the name Sweet William, Miss E. S. Rohde, in her......