16 SEPTEMBER 1949, page 16

Mr. Gunther's Facts

SIR,—In her review of John Gunther's Behind the Iron Curtain, Elizabeth Wiskemann is critical of his chapter on Italy, on which country she herself, is an authority, but says of......

Sex And The School

SIR, —It would be impossible to reply briefly to all the interesting points raised by Dr. Essex-Cater and Mr. Rigby in the Spectator of August 26th ; but I hope you will allow......

Those Professors Sin,—may I Submit That In His Letter To

the Editor, published in the Spectator of September 9th, Mr. A. M. Low entirely evaded the point at issue, and not very skilfully. Only his right to use the title of professor......

" Undergraduate Spate"

Sra,—I have before me the plans of a group of 50 boys "graduating" in the class of 1949 of a well-known private (in England, public) school in New England. Qn graduation day the......

Budapest Festival Sir, —in His Article International...

that the National Union 4 Students was unaware, beforehand, of the political aspect of certain of tEe demonstrations which took place during the World Festival of Youth and......

Sir,—there Is Yet One More Source Of Professors Than Those

mentioned so far in the letters you have had on this matter. I refer to the island of Jersey. When Victoria College was founded in 1865, the statutes provided for two......