16 SEPTEMBER 1949, page 2

More Palestine Plans

Another question designed to cause the United Nations Assembly anxious moments is, once more, Palestine, and that on two grounds. The conference which has so long been sitting......

M. Queuille's Tour De Force

It is such a remarkable feat for any French Government to remain in office for a whole year, that to ask for evidence of its accomplish- ments, other than that of survival, is......

The Disgusted Railwaymen

The word "disgusted " seems to be very fashionable among members of the National Union of Railwaymen. It appears in a fair number of the resolutions from district meetings which......

Enquiry On Hanging

Considerable weight must attach to the evidence given before the Royal Commission on Capital Punishment at the end of last week; consisting as it did of testimony by the Chief......

Albania's Offences

The attention of the world may before - long be called forcibly to the smallest of the Balkan States, and in some ways the worst conducted, Albania. Her behaviour in the matter......