17 JUNE 1893, page 16


[To THE EDITOR or THE "SPECTATOR. " SIR, —Your correspondent who questions the correctness of calling a titmouse a "tomtit," is not, probably, aware of the number of birds which......


A VILLAGE WIFE OF MODERN DAYS. A PARISH priest was visiting a grey haired village wife, Of gentle face and gentle voice, and pure and blameless life,. And after sundry......


MR. DYKES CAMPBELL'S " COLE RID GE." * THIS is very much more than one of those new editions with a preliminary essay, which appear to suit the taste of this rather......

Letters To The Editor.

SIR C. GAVAN DUFFY AND THE IRISH CIVIL SERVICE. [To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."1 SIR,—Surely there is an easy answer to Sir C. G. Duffy, in regard to his statement in the......

A Tit's Nest At A Railway-crossing.

[To THE EDITOR Or THE " 13TICTATOR.1 SIC. —At Hatterworth crossing, on the South-Western Railway in Hampshire, tits have built in the metal cup under the lamp for years. Three......

The Union Jack.

[To TEE EDITOR Or Tint " SPECSLTOR."] SIR,—As I observe much has been said of late about the British flag, and various attempts made to cast discredit on the Union Jack, I......