17 JUNE 1893, page 3

A Curious Inquest Took Place At Chartham, Near...

Monday on the bodies of Hermann Stoer, aged about twenty-eight, and his wife or fiancee,—though no marriage- certificate was found, the lady wore a wedding-ring, and was called......

The Result Of The Pontefract Election Petition Was The Un-

seating of Mr. Reckitt, for an act of one of his agents, done, however, without Mr. Reckitt's knowledge. Mr. Justice Hawkins commented with great severity on the number of......

The London County Council Is Rather In A Fix. The

"Pro- gressives" role that body, and the Progressives, like all muni- cipal Reds, are governed by two conflicting ideas. They wish to make their city magnificent, and they wish......

Lord Lamington, Who Has Travelled In Siam, On Thursday...

up the question of French aggressions there, and asked Lord Rosebery what he meant to do. He himself believed that the French meant to extend their dominion over the whole of......

The Projects For Argentine Liquidation, Which Involve The...

the Barings and the risk of their guarantors, have at last come to a head. The Republican Government offers £1,565,000 a year for five years, leaving the bondholders to divide......

Lord Salisbury On Tuesday Made A Most Able Speech In

the Lords against an abuse which is gradually creeping into the working of the Constitution. Taking as his text the snap- vote which Mr. Paull recently obtained in favour of......

Bank Rate, 2: 1 . Per Cent. New Consols (24) Wolf) On

Friday 9Pi.......

The Smouldering Quarrel Between Mr. Sexton And Mr. Healy...

out at the end of last week in a sharp collision. Mr. Healy and his friends refusing to give up their control of the Freeman's Journal, the Irish Parliamentary Committee, which......