17 JUNE 1966, page 18


Wilder and Wilder L ET me recall the facts. On Friday, February 25, ATV, after consultations with the ITA, decided to cancel the episode of The Power Game due to gia on the air......


CINEMA The Oscar. (Plaza, 'X' certificate.) De ['amour. (Cinephone and Jacey, Piccadilly, 'X' certifi- cate.) T uE preposterous is often good value, seldom dull. A film of such......

Chess By Philidor

No. 287. C. BECKER (Prablemist, Nov. 1965) WRITE to play and mate in two moves ; solution next week. Solution to No. 286 (Meredith) : Q— Q 2 I, threat Q— K R 2. I . . . K—Q 3; 2......