17 JUNE 1989, page 23

Sir: How Sad To Find The Spectator Preaching Of 'honour'

in connection with Hong Kong. Falstaff was right in saying 'honour is a mere scutcheon', fine when it comes to dying for one's country but useless for living in it. The first......

Sir: Well Done! You Are To Be Congratu- Lated On

your courageous leading article concerning the future of Hong Kong. There is no doubt in my mind that the measures you suggest would, if taken, have the most salutary effect on......

Letters Protecting Hong Kong

Sir: I cannot recall having read a more powerful or moving leading article than your editorial (10 June) on the betrayal of Hong Kong in this week's issue. Maybe I am......

Sir: Your Editorial On Hong Kong Express- Es Very Eloquently

the feelings of many Britons. Doing what you advocate does depend on engaging the sympathy of this country's residents. The present treatment of Vietnamese boat people in Hong......

Sir: I Cannot Be The Only Reader Whose Teeth Were

set on edge when your other- wise wholly admirable leading article on Hong Kong referred to Dr Zell's 'co- religionist', identified by the quotation as Trotsky. Dr Zell may be......

Sir: British Diplomacy Since 1938 Has Rested On The Belief

that countries with whom we have obligations both by treaty and by friendship should feel grateful when they are abandoned by so superior a partner. Denis Hills is far too nice......