17 SEPTEMBER 1881, page 3

The Annual Meeting Of The Trades Union Congress, Men- Tioned

elsewhere, was marked this year by two highly significant incidents. One was the reception of the members by the Lord Mayor at an evening entertainment, a curious indication of......

Switzerland Has Sustained A Great Calamity. The Village...

in Canton Glarus, lies below the Tschingel Alp, and on Friday fissures were noticed by the villagers in the mountain, and a watch was set. On Sunday afternoon, at five o'clock,......

Consols Were On Friday 99 ;- To 991.


It Is Impossible Ever To Gauge The Depth Of Human

stupidity. To judge from a correspondence in the Standard, there are men, educated and able to write good letters, who firmly believe that if we place a five-shilling duty on......

Mr. Grant Duff Took Lea-re Of His Constituents On Friday

week, in one of those speeches in which he reviews the situa- tion, after a fashion which we hope he will keep up in India. There would be a distinct intellectual interest in an......

The Methodists Of The World Have This Week Been Holding

an " CEcumenical " Council in London. The proceedings, so far as recorded, were chiefly of denominational interest, their first note being attention to education, and their only......

The Broad Result Of The London Fish Inquiry Is That

37,258 tons of fish arrive in a year by water, and for that supply Billingsgate is an excellent market. The railways, however, bring 87,884 tons of fish annually, and could......

A Scheme Was Proposed 'before The Council By An American

Methodist for starting a grand paper, better than any secular paper, and more attractive, but devoted to the interests of Methodism. The usual difficulty in the way of such......

The Agitation For A Land Bill For Great Britain Is

spreading rapidly. In Scotland, associations for this purpose have been formed in Aberdemshire and three other counties, and there is a distinct desire for it in the Highland......