17 SEPTEMBER 1898, page 1

'the Excitement Caused In Paris By These Events Is Very

great, and many of the newspapers declare that France must fight for her undoubted rights in Fashoda. Nevertheless, as we have explained elsewhere, our Government, if they act......

News Of The Week.

O N Monday news was received from Omdurman that a day or two before the battle the Bhalifa received news that a force of white men had occupied Fashoda. He at once sent two......

The Crisis Caused In France By The New Developments Of

the Dreyfus case has been aggravated by the reaction among the opponents of revision, who have now hardened their hearts, and in effect declare that Henry was splendide mendax......

Friday Morning's Telegrams Show That This Is What The Sultan

is now doing. The houses near the camp have been demolished, and forty-three ringleaders base been handed over to Admiral Noel,—though the Sultan demands that they shall be......

At Geneva On Saturday Last, At About 2 O'clock In

the afternoon, the Empress of Austria was assassinated by an Italian Anarchist of about twenty-five named Luigi Luccheni, the weapon used being a stiletto with a blade so thin......

This Means That The First Step In A Revision Of

the case would be for the Court to ask General Mercier, the War Minister at the time of the trial, how he came to act so illegally. Here, then, is the great official obstacle to......

The Difficulties Of The Cretan Question Have Been...

diminishing, during the past week. On Tuesday Admiral Noel, the Commander-in- Chief of the British Squadron, who is said by all who know him to be an officer of exceptional......

S T * The .11ditors Cannot Undertake To Return...
