17 APRIL 1947, page 16

Sm,—brigadier Longrigg Is Angry Because, In His Opinion,...

" militant Zionists " in Palestine have been condemned to death and too few executed. Is it right or seemly for any citizen here to put pressure on the Palestine Courts, the......

An Opportunity For British Artists

SIR, —Mr. Middleton does welt to emphasise the opportunity now offered to London " to assume the cultural leadership of Europe" so long held by Paris, but we should not forget......

The Future Of Cyprus

Sta,—I am glad that my article on Cyprus, in your issue of March 28th, has given to Mr. Rossides the opportunity of expounding his point of view on the future of that island—a......

Aspects Of Mining

Snt,—Having only just had the letter from Mr. Smart, in your issue of March 7th, brought to my notice, I should like to put forward one or two points of interest which may not......

Grammar Schools' Fate

Snt,—Is there not another possible solution of the problem posed in Dr. Terry Thomas's admirable and timely article on " Grammar Schools' Fate "? The problem is how to maintain......