18 DECEMBER 1971, page 19

Sir: As Well Employ Sanity And Logic To Penetrate The

bovine incomprehension of a wounded Bull. Your editorial ' " For war it is ", it it?' (November 20) illuminates the darkness with such brilliance that perhaps it cannot fail to......

A Bad Example

From Dr F. Kellerman Sir: In January you were good enough to print a letter of mine in which I pointed out the damage caused by the sad example set by the members of the medical......

Gallo° Gurray!

From Colonel Aram Bakshian Sir: 'View Gallool,' your Christmas offering by Mr Jasper Budenny (November 27), has evoked the following response from an anonymous member of the......

Peter Hain Fund

From Miss J. A. Stocks Sir: If D. S. Fraser Harris's letter on the Peter Hain Fund (December 4) were not so malicious its ridiculous inaccuracies and omissions could be ignored.......

Black Death

From Dr J. L. Insley Sir: One wearies of Mr Clarke's (November 20) increasingly violent attacks on child care in South Africa and me, but I should appreciate one last......

The Elegy Again

Sir: Mr Watson-Smyth's suggestion of the early date of the composition of Gray's Elegy, is perhaps given some support by a previously unnoticed passage in an obscure poem, The......

With A Very Hard 'g'

From Mrs Margaret J. Cornwall Sir: I very much enjoyed Yvonne Brock's 'Margarine with a very hard " G ",' particlarly as I think I must have been her ' Maggy Ann.' I remember......

Cmq 50 Etc.,

Sir: I must say that what impresses me most about the saga of CMQ 50 (Spectator's Notebook, December 11) is the sheer buckpassing effrontery of Conservative Central Office......