18 JUNE 1881, page 12


A PLEA. I. 0 YE iu all the world. who love true Song, Be gentle to the Singers who uplift In innocent delight a cradle gift,— So often found to work them fatal wrong. Judge them......

The Revised Version Of Romans Viii,, 3.

[TO TER EDITOR OF TRH .SPECTATOR.'] Ssa,—I am not going to add one other to the many letters which have appeared respecting the general character of the Revised Version. I write......


Ere THE EDITOP. OF TliE " SPECTATOR,1 am glad to apologise to Miss Cobbe for having inadvert- ently misstated her argument, as published. But that 1 am not answerable for "......

The Unpopularity Of Salmon. [to Tux Editor Of The...

Sfu,—In reference to this subject, it may interest you to know that in Ochs' " Gesoldchte Easels" (a comprehensive work, in; several volumes), it is related. that in the year .......

The French Plays At The Gaiety.

['TO TRH EDITOR OF TIIR `. SPRETATOR.] Sne—Last year, I had to correct your reporter on French , Plays on a matter of fact ; and this year, I have to do the same. There has been......

"charity," Or "love P"

rre THE EDITOR OF THE " EPEOTATOR.1 Silt,—Mr. G. D. Snow thinks it an " unpardonable " offence in the Revisers of the New Testament to have used " love " for "charity," in I.......