18 MARCH 1955, page 32

Modern Mothology

Moths. By E. B. Ford. (Collins New Naturalist Series, 35s.) THERE is a book to be written about a cult of sinister fellows whose delight it is to lurk in lime groves at dusk in......

It's A Crime

10s. 6d.) A Dying Fall. By Henry Wade. (Constable, 10s. 6d.) 'IT is DIFFICULT,' announces Sir Jon Nappleby in Murder in Pastiche, `to solve a case without a thorough knowledge......

New Novels

No Joy of Africa. By W. R. Loader. (Cape, 12s. 6d.) THE ichabod situation is both enticing and dangerous. Splendour and decay; the wreck of empire; nostalgia and queasiness :......