18 MARCH 1955, page 5

Party Machine While At The Same Time Saddling Nagy With

responsibility for what were bound, retrospectively, to become errors, has been striking. He now threatens the Hungarian people with all the rigours of the Khruschev regime.......

T He White Paper On Farm Prices Is A Sensible Document.

Four things have happened in the past twelve months to change the rather severe view which the Government was, rightly, taking of the high cost of supporting home agriculture.......

Public Enterprise


Tibet In Duress T He Dalai Lama And The Panchen Lama

left Peking on Sunday for Tibet. Both, are under twenty years of age; not much is known about the Panchen Lama, but the Dalai Lama is a serious, idealistic and intelligent......

Ngo Dinh Diem And The Sects I T Is Impossible To

understand the conflict which has broken out in Southern Viet Nam between the Prime Minister, M. Ngo Dinh Diem, and what are called `the sects' without taking some account of......