19 JUNE 1880, page 1

Lord Carnarvon On Friday Week Raised An Important Debate...

Armenia. He declared the situation of the province to be well-nigh desperate, 144 villages having recently been swept away by the Kurdish ravages, and neither life, property,......

The Select Committee On Mr. Bradlaugh's Case Have Agreed...

a report which, to some extent, throws over the report of the previous Committee, inasmuch as it says that that report having been carried only by the casting-vote of the......

News Of The Week.

fr HE second Conference of Berlin assembled on the 16th inst., and elected Prince Hohenlohe president. Neither Turkey nor Greece is represented; but the former Power has a......

Mr. O'donnell Asked, On Monday Night, The Under-secretary...

for Foreign Affairs whether the M. Challemel-Lacour spoken of as the French Ambassador Designate to England was the Citizen Challemel-Lacour who, as one of the Prefects of the......

Thereupon Mr. O'donnell Said It Was Perfectly Impossible...

the explanation of the Government, and he would put himself in order by concluding with a motion ; and he began a speech in which he accused M. Challemel-Lacour of having......

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