19 JUNE 1880, page 3

The Burials Bill Debate In The Lords On Tuesday Was

marked by the adoption of two bad amendments, and the rejection of one still worse. The bad amendments were moved by the Arch- bishop of York, and their object was to compel......

Canon Ryle Was Consecrated Bishop Of Liverpool In York...

yesterday week, amidst a crowd of clergy, by the Archbishop of York, assisted by the Bishops of Durham, Chester, and Manchester. Canon Garbett, who preached on the occasion from......

Sir Stafford Northcote Replied With Extreme Warmth, Not...

resentment, and on many points appeared to make good his ground against Mr. Arnold. He showed the impracticability of expecting landlords who were not getting their own rents......

On Saturday, Mr. Justice Denman And Mr. Justice Lopes...

Mr. Bevan, the Liberal Member for Gravesend, for 'corrupt practices. The demand for a scrutiny by the Conserva- tive candidate,—the Lord Mayor of London,—was withdrawn, no that......

Mr. Arthur Arnold, M.p. For Salford, Made His First Speech

in the House of Commons on Friday week, in the form of a very sharp attack on the Government for their ineffectual scheme of relief in Ireland. Mr. Arnold asked for the forbear-......

The Idea For Which We Have Contended For Eighteen Years

—that Liberals should seek the farmers as their natural allies —seems to have been accepted at last, and on Wednesday a deputation of farmers from all parts of Great Britain......

The French Government Has, It Is Believed, Decided To Pro-

pose a plenary amnesty for the offences of the Commune. The demand for it has been raised again, and accepted by the Extreme Left, the Advanced Left, and half the Pure Left, and......

Consols Were On Friday 98: To 981.


Aberdeen Is Losing Its Distinguished Professor Of...

and we think we may fairly hope that the new P ro- fessor will not be a mere Bainite, but will be a man of some mark and originality, who, whether he agrees fundamentally with......