19 SEPTEMBER 1970, page 26

Strangeness Of E M Forster

Sir : I was interested to read Simon Raven's impressions (5 September), but they struck me as a little ttop censorious. * Morgan Forster had produced five great novels, two of......

Dangerous Corner

Sir: Crabro (12 September), like other public commentators, seems to have drawn a ques- tionable conclusion from reports concerning the recent escape of the El Al aeroplane. Was......

Nature Notes

Sir: I read with particular pleasure Mr Christopher Booker's comments on natural phenomena which from time to time appear in your paper. I too have noticed the pro- liferation......

Table Talk

Sir : The letter of Mr Ross (5 September) leaves my withers unwrung. (I am not quite sure about the origin of this metaphor, but I think the meaning is clear enough.) I had......

Metrication Mania

Sir: At a time when we are being bulldozed into accepting the metric system there are some facts which should be considered. First, the units of the metric system are not all......

Sound Stuff

Sir : Angus Calder, when reviewing Henry Pelling's Britain and the Second World War (12 September), made a number of com- ments about the study of war and society in general.......


Sir : As a drama director of some experience I have long suffered the delusion that a director's job was to interpret his author— if the author is of any importance, at least—......

A Hundred Years Ago

From the 'Spectator,' 17 September 1870—The great news of the week . . . is the entry of the Italian army into the Roman territory. On Sunday, after repeated discussions in the......