19 SEPTEMBER 1987, page 35

The Wheels Come Off

ROBERT Apfel, from New York, is a consultant to banks and financial businesses who has an unusual qualifica- tion. Working in early life for a Wall Street firm, he pushed......

Bigger And Worse

THE Stock Exchange's old-fashioned film My Word Is My Bond has acquired what appears to be an up-to-the minute sequel, entitled, simply, The Big Bang. Available from......

City And Suburban

One year on, the plums have stopped falling from the City's trees CHRISTOPHER FILDES so plainly destined to end in tears, or Hambros, happily turning its back on the securities......

Losing An Empire

THE biggest loser of all? That unhappy distinction goes, oddly enough, to the Stock Exchange. See what it has lost in the Year of the Bang. First, and more than symbolically, it......